Decking Ideas for Small Gardens


Small gardens can really benefit from cleverly planned and installed decking. If there is limited space or you are just looking for a low maintenance option, decking is a great solution. When installed well, decking can create the illusion of space and add interest to an otherwise empty garden. 


Attention can be diverted away from areas lacking in space by using narrow bands of wood. These draw the eye away and make the area appear longer than it really is. Decks should be laid on the narrow side in order to deepen the apparent space. It is also a good idea to break up the area to create the feeling of space. This can be done by changing the direction of large decks, either diagonally or perpendicularly at critical points.


Decking should not look out of place with its surroundings. We recommend that the style, shape and materials used are in keeping with the rest of the garden and home. Small decks which do not tie in with the rest of the garden style can look awkward. Therefore it is a good idea to create a natural flow between the inside of the house and the decking in the garden. A small deck could be installed next to the doors of the kitchen if they open into a side yard, for example.


Creating different levels is a clever way of creating added space to a small garden. The different heights also creates interest and adds structure. Steps allow less space to be taken up in the garden, which is helpful when the exposure of the lawn is a priority. Elevated deck designs also allow for storage underneath. Another idea is to install curved small-deck designs which are useful for allowing a few extra square feet to be squeezed out of a small landscape.

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