Modello decking by Millboard

Modello decking by Millboard

Millboard decking with patterned boards called Modello The world of decking has been elevated to level of design never seen before. The ultimate in creativity with luxurious patterns which allow the designer to create sophisticated and elegant decking layouts. Introducing Modello by Millboard, a revolutionary decking board set apart from all other decking. This is … Read more

balustrade at night

FH Brundle is proud to be a brand ambassador for the Decking Network

FH Brundle is proud to be a brand ambassador for the Decking Network FH Brundle was established in 1889 and is still very much a family business. Now owned and run by Michael Brundle (fifth generation), it’s the UK’s largest supplier of handrailing and balustrades, with one of the most extensive ranges of aluminium fences, available … Read more