To Deck or not to Deck……

  With reality TV gardening there came a time when it seemed every back garden had to be decked in some form or other and also had to be laid in just one hour! But decking has been used for many years in various ways in Scandinavia and America to such effect that to use … Read more

EU Timber Regulations

EU Timber Regulations 3rd March 2013 includes timber decking Is your decking illegal? Is it certified – FSC or PEFC, it matters not as all timber has to be accounted for from March 3rd 2013. The EU Timber Regulation comes into force in the UK on 3rd March 2013. It bans illegal timber in the … Read more

Decking Edinburgh

Decking Edinburgh Hello just updated our website for Garden Construction Company for a specific decking page with decking network link. Keep on Decking!Garden Construction Co