Kebony, choosing the most sustainable hardwood decking for UK projects

Decking may be the easiest or the most difficult decision for your landscape garden project. That being said, should the unsuspecting employ a garden designer or timber consultant when asking, the choices are really quite simple.

This contemporary garden design scheme demanded sustainability as well as durability. It also needed an overriding natural beauty, this made the timber selection quite easy for Karl Harrison. He chose Kebony® Radiata Clear Decking.

The platform was C24 joist Use-Class 4 treated framework designed to 1.5kN use load. The decking was the Exterpark profile Magnet System and used Kebony® Clear. The perimeter trim needed to be of such a design to a superior thickness and quality to the build; The dimensions were 42 x 144 as a solid section of Kebony®.

kebony decking installation

The top 5 reasons why Kebony® decking should be the Landscapers No1 Choice in timber.

  • Environmental suitability
  • Sustainability
  • Longevity
  • Durability
  • Patination colour after weathering

Sustainability and Environmental suitability

Kebony hardwood decking is FSC® certified, furthermore, the Forest Stewardship Council® promote sustainable forestry management all over the world.

Kebony wood does not in any way harm the environment, it is beneficial to it, this is because it uses recycled bio products.

Kebonized timber products are also Swan Eco-labelled. This mark’ the official Nordic Eco-label authorised by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The Swan logo on a timber product means it is a sound environmental material choice.

The benefit to its users, carpenters and contractors is that Kebony can be worked with as normal timber.

kebony hardwood decking installation

Durability and Longevity  

All Kebony Clear timber types have a durability class rating of one (EN 350). This is the highest durability class. It compares well when compared to very hard tropical woods but without the harm done to the environment.

Kebony Clear timber is also listed on the Brinell hardness table (N/mm2, EN 1534) as 59 to 41. Other timbers have a hardness of up to half of this… The ability of Kebony’s almost unmatched when comparing similar materials.

Kebony changes to a silver grey with weathering

The Clear grade is stylish and smooth with a natural brown colour. This will weather to a silver-grey surface finish. Kebony clear presents as a quality decking product with a beautiful aesthetic once installed.

The weathering process is different in all cases depending on the footfall traffic, UV and rain. Furthermore, the colour can be retained with maintenance and the use of Owatrol decking Oil products.

Kebony Decking Design and Installation

Many commercial and domestic projects have Kebony® specified as the decking material.

Karl Harrison Landscapes Ltd , a decking design and build company, they’ve been designing and building decking terraces since 2003, Kebony has been a strong feature in their portfolio.

Karl Harrison Landscapes Ltd  uses Owatrol for many timber decking projects; it works very well. For the project above they used Owatrol Deks Olje D1. This gives the timber a sound start.

Credits and Further information

Completed                    2019

Decking Material        Kebony® Magnet

Designer                       Karl Harrison

Landscaper                  Karl Harrison Landscapes Ltd


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2 thoughts on “Kebony, choosing the most sustainable hardwood decking for UK projects”

  1. Good morning
    I’m exploring Kebony as a garden decking option which could also be used for cladding a garden room. I’ve not used it before.
    It would be useful to know what the performance technical specs are compared to say Millboard composite decking eg warranty, slip resistance wet/dry (PTV), resistance to algae. Is there anywhere I can get this information?
    Many thanks


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