UK Hardwood Approved Decking Installer in Hampshire, Dorset and Sussex

We are proud to announce our first Approved Exterpark Installer in Hampshire, our second in Sussex and second in Dorset. All filled by quality Deck Installer James, from Our congratulations goes out to him. 

James and his company “All Decked Out” are responsible for some of the most luxurious outdoor living spaces in the South of England and has showed limitless knowledge on correct installation processes and attention to detail when it comes to decks. It is therefore an absolute privilege to have him enrolled.

With two installers covering each of the Dorset and Sussex counties (James for both, Decksterity for Dorset and Garden Adventure for Sussex), it means that those counties are now no longer available as per our policy.

We are working with numerous other installers around the UK, of which some will be signed up very shortly. 

Contact me on [email protected] or alternatively, call me for a chat on 01494 711 800. 

We are looking for pro-active decking installers that care about great service and high quality installations, so, get in touch now if you want to be part of this prestigious program.

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