Architectural hotel uses Exterpark composite decking

I have lost count of how many times I have uttered the words. “yes, this one was over 1000 square metres”… Tens of thousands of square metres of composite decking, manufactured and supplied by Exterpark. It’s not surprising it is rapidly becoming the solution provider and go to decking material; Specified by Architects around the world.

Architectural hotel uses Exterpark composite

Sweeping beaches, bars and a social scene frequented by millions every year. This is also a hotel with presence that deserves a beach front that doesn’t disappoint.

It is a simple yet innovative decking solution, a labour reducer as well as beautiful decking option. Standard lengths of composite decking, clipped to an aluminium substrate sat over pedestals.

The photos really do speak volumes, many contractors get tied up in cost saving which normally results in a cheaper or substandard material, when in this case it isn’t. The cost savings, represented in the Labour which amount to a minimum of 30% reduction.

Architectural hotel uses Exterpark composite

Furthermore, a concrete platform floated to falls with an arrangement of pedestals and aluminium joists make for a sensible and long lasting base for the decking to be formed. The decking then simply clicks into the joists… no screws, no fuss.

The Architect specified this decking due to the finish, anti-slip texture and colour. Full details in CAD are available to assist with every specification.

Exterpark have a team of distributors around the world. This forms an essential element in the specification of the Exterpark products. CDP led presentations will consider the attributes of your project design; offering a sensible cost saving solutions.

Decorum.London are consultants, designers and installers for the UK. If you’re looking for a local decking installer take a look at the Approved Decking Installers page.

Credits and Further information

Project                         Resort Five Palm Jumeirah Dubai, UAE

Architect                     P&T Architects

Decking Material       Exterpark Tech Cube Crema

Joist System               Exterpark Magnet Aluminium System

Quantity                      >1000 square metres

Budget                          Undisclosed


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