Acceptable limits of decking

Tips and Ideas for your new deck

Tips and Ideas for your new deck How to choose the right deck boards This is an informative collection of helpful Tips and Ideas for your new deck. The right decking boards are the products that you like the look and feel of. You may wish to consider the warranty and the maintenance requirements. There … Read more

Joist Hanger fixing for decking structure

Joist connection for deck framing

Joist connection for deck framing The best advice for fixing joists as a decking frame is based on many years of what works and what doesn’t. The other advice is based on timber science and industry standard timber connection and what is and what isn’t acceptable. It is vital to the success of any decking … Read more

decking regulations guidelines specification

Deck building guidelines regulations and best practice

The best way to build a deck The best way to build a decking structure is to know that your deck is being built correctly. By using the correct materials and the best industry-standard construction you can be rest assured it will last. The deck-building guidelines, regulations and best practices have been adopted by the … Read more