Reply To: why composite decking is definitely NOT a good choice!


Oh dear Roque

I do feel that you have got the wrong idea about this Network. It is a Timber and Composite Decking Network and not “the world must bow down to Roque and his superior knowledge”

Your images do nothing to corroberate any testimony to back up your argument, two of the images look like a pile of what could be anything and the other does look like the rotten substructure could just as well be to blame and also shows the age of the structure.


Whilst I agree some products are better than others; this site is not for you to showcase your products in high regard by being derrogatory to other products. 

If you have had an issue with a manufacturer then by all means show the product and explain why you think that it has failed, thus leaving reasonable room for a reply in order to either agree or justifyably disagree.

Whilst I also agree that Ipe is probably one of the most stable and durable it does have a down side, it goes grey over time and needs maintenance, thus without a great deal of maintenance will not look at good as it did when installed. To the same note I also refute your argument about “All” composite decking is not a good Idea; when in absolute fact in some cases and some products it is specified over timber by knowledgeable Architects, Designers, installers more so than timber

By all means argue the facts but do be specific and demonstrate your eveidence for an equal and honest debate.

With reference to your assumptions on costings, I would really like to see an exact comparrison, you quote $1.90 per linear foot – in the UK we would compare cost by either referring to linear metres or square metres. The cost of Ipe in the UK is always going to be more than that of the Americas – transportation, logistics, profit, company overheads make for a comparrison of $1.90 = £1.23 per foot or per linear metre £4.02 compare to the UK at about £8.00 plus vat and delivery.

The labour is at least £150 to over £200 so to convert to $232 to $310 so again I don’t think you could really compare in a reasonable debate that your perception of composite to Ipe is cheaper, It may be for you but for the UK market it is a different story.

Composite has moved on in recent years, there are still rogue companies out there but for the most there are standards that many companies up hold. The techniques have vastly improved and there are far more manufacturers than you could ever think of...I bet you have never heard of Millboard…

The debate is far from over and we won’t solve the differences in a few words, may over the next 25 years or so perhaps…

I do hope you haven’t upset too many people…
