Garden decking maintenance tips

Garden decking maintenance tips

Garden decking maintenance tips, from experts, will keep your wood or composite decking looking its best all year. Your decking platform is in your garden, outside and is subject the all of the elements from the weather. The UK has temperature of a sweltering plus 40°C to a freezing cold minus 26°C, we have heavy rain, sleet, snow and burning sun on the odd occasion too. Your decking will take a battering from the many extremes and the following tips will help you keep your decking protected and looking at its best.

Maintenance tips for wooden decking

If you use your decking terrace for social gatherings and a BBQ, it’s bound to get food and drink spilled on it. It may discolour and even stain, but not to worry as most of this can be removed quite easily. Hardwoods, softwoods and modified woods will all react roughly the same and require the same methods for maintenance.

Owatrol manufacture an extensive range of deck cleaning, reviving and oiling products. If the maintenance is being done DIY then give these guys a call as they can advise on the best methods. You’ll need to let them know the type of decking material, what chemicals have previously been used and your expected outcome. Owatrol will have their own garden decking maintenance tips.

How to clean your wooden deck

Apply a water wash with your basic pressure washer, nothing too aggressive and not too close to the decking surface. Once your decking is saturated with water you should apply PrepDeck by Owatrol. Follow the instructions and leave on the surface of your decking for the time advised. Once this chemical has worked, jet wash off and apply a neutralising chemical. This should be Net-Trol by Owatrol and it will remove water staining, remove the previous chemical and balance the surface of the timber ready for oiling.

Prepdeck will remove mill glaze, timber stamps, contaminants and staining from the surface of your decking. Old oil on the surface will be removed but if in the case you need something slightly more aggressive then you may opt for Dilunett or Aquanet. These are part of the family of decking maintenance products from Owatrol.

Which oil should I use for my decking?

Now you have cleaned your wooden decking you must allow it to dry thoroughly. There are several decking oil solutions from Owatrol. The oil based for saturating into the timber are great for the preservation of the timber. The D1 range is perfect for deep saturation as is Textrol. There is as advanced HES for enhanced UV protection, specialist teak oils and antislip oils too.

The Owatrol water based products is best for enhanced colouring, Aquatrol and Aquadecks are a perfect solution

There are others too, old wood grey is great if you prefer the timeworn look.

Do contact them directly for specialist advice and ALWAYS follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

Who will clean and oil my deck?

There are companies that specialise in maintaining your deck. These guys are both experts in their field and can advise in all matters concerning decking maintenance. Roger Oakley and Thomas Rathbone are the chaps to call. They are always busy and have great references and portfolios on their websites.

The type of wooden deck, the area, what has previously been applied to the surface and condition are factors when considering the cost of maintenance.

How to maintain your composite decking

The first port of call is the manufacturer to ascertain the correct maintenance methods. Anything other than the explicit instructions from the manufacture may affect the warranty, please read and follow them.

Most will suggest a mild household detergent and stiff brush followed by a rinse off with a hose.

The best tool for maintaining a composite deck is a squeegee, perfect for shedding the surface water in seconds.

Ask the Decking Network

If you have any general questions, do write them below and they’ll get answered by manufacturer or decking pro.

Garden decking maintenance tips
Garden decking maintenance tips with Owatrol

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