Reply To: Do we need decking regulations in the UK.


Hi Steve


I am a full member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, the annual membership is not much more than £100. Granted it is set at post grad level and has strong entry requirement, read here

I am astonished at the £900 cost, I am also struggling to understand if the benefits are so good then why are there only a small number of members.


I have also read your profile and see that you seem to have an issue with this site and are “considering your position” can you explain, as this seems rather strange to be a member of a forum of which you then write this?


Steve Young said:

Hello Robert – happy new year. The TDA supports the UK decking sector through our technical, advisory, marketing and DeckMark quality assurance roles. Funding for this comes from our members Annual subscriptions are based on the size of an individual business and start at an entry level of £900. In our experience we find that once in the TDA, installers find membership provides a definite commercial benefit and competitive advantage. The fact that NHBC now requires that raised decks are built in accordance with the TDA Code of Practice is in itselfe acting as a door opener for TDA DeckMark quality accreditted installers.

If you would like me to send you a customised membership proposal let me have your business e-mail and we will send you a pack.
Steve Young


Timber Decking Association
robert jones said:

Hi Steve

I think the TDA is a good idea and generally does a good job. My problem is the fees, I have enquired a couple of times over the years and always been surprised by how much it costs to become a member. Its OK for major suppliers or organizations that can afford the cost, but small independent installers have enough overheads as it is. If membership was made a legal requirement it would be fair for all as we would all be operating with the same overheads but until then I will be opting out, unless you  reduce your fees in the new year, worth a try.